Substance Painter UDIM export

Hi everyone,

I was using the Substance Live link plugin to send meshes from UE4 to Susbance painter, but ive now changed my mind and would like to use the Substance painter UDIM workflow, which wont currently work using the live link plugin.
Now i paint everything in substance painter but work from the original mesh rather than one sent from UE4. My question is this:
Is there a way to import the texture sheets generate by subsance painter using the UDIM workflow, without having to manually link all the textures to materials? I did manage it once where i imported the textures, materials were created and they were all linked automatically meaning i didnt have to go through the outputs of 30 texture sets one by one linking the channels to the correct textures.

Many thanks,

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Hey did you ever find a good workflow for this? Running into a very similar challenge myself right now.
