Substance painter textures not working correctly

hi there,
having a bad day with painter and unreal :frowning:
They just dont really match. And there is a big issue with the metallic map.
im using ue 5 with udim workflow.

im very new to painter and unreal.
hope someone can help me out

Anyone please? Maybe this has been asked before, maybe you have link i can check?

Have you Unchecked sRGB in the ARM (AO / Metalic / Roughness) Texture?

If not, do that - it’s required - and it may fix your issue. :slight_smile:

thank you bro, i was just in this right moment playing with those settings. and it helped.

for exmple here on this sphere i was getting weird issues. but playing with those settings solved it.

Nps mate. :slight_smile:

Normal Maps should be automatically detected and set to the correct Compression Settings. So you shouldn’t need to change anything in the Normal Map.

But you definitely need to uncheck sRGB in your ARM Texture (Ussually a yellowish red orange texture)
Are you using an ARM Texture? Were you able to locate the SRBG check box? :slight_smile: