Projectname: VehicleGame project, when I tried to record two vehicles racing according to the tutorial(New sequencer feature–Live training), The animation of RecordedSequence would not play when recording the second one.
- Open the project and make a record, only 1 player; and make a record.
- Create a new sequence, and add RecordedSequence as Subscenes. Now drag the timeline, the recorded vehicle would move correctly;
- Delete player start 1,2,4, so that the new spawn will not overlap the recorded vehicle.
- Click Play button, and then set sequences by clicking Subscenes, choose “record new sequence from current player”, then it would add the second Subscenes.
- Click Record button, after the count down, I can control the current spawned vehicle, but the recorded vehicle will not move correctly. It would stay at the original position. So I couldn’t play and make interact record with it.
- After ESC, not in play mode, when I dragged the timeline, it would animate. So the problem existed in playing the game.