[Submitted] Novan's Starter Game

Hello. I recently submitted a project for the marketplace. It’s called Novan’s Starter Game. It is a set of systems you can use to get your game started. They include a full menu system with gamepad support, a save game system, an usable item system with pickups, health and stamina system, and a blood decal system. Each system is commented to allow for easy expansion. The kit comes with bonus confetti effects system, a animated health box pickup, an animated button button, and blood decals.

Thanks to:

Jorge Avila for some of the art.
Kevin MacLeod for the music in video.


Here is the link to the demo https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6B_EReh-zecekhtYkJfU0dTTWM . Please download it and let me know what you think. Thanks!