Would greatly appreciate some help on the asset submisson process.
Packing the project according to guidelines and keep getting responses like “declined, it is done wrong”
Not a single hint what exactly was done wrong. I don’t really want to clog the submission team with dozens of attempts, to try find out how to properly submit the assets.
Why not make a very simple basic tutorial instead of dozens of declines on probably just wrongly named single folder?
You need to place your package in a zip or rar file with the following folder structure:
+--- AssetName.png
+--- AssetName.uproject
+--- ExternalAssetReferences.txt (if any or a readme.txt file)
+--- Config
+--- Content
+--- AssetName
+--- Blueprints (inside place blueprints with BP_ prefix)
+--- Materials (inside place materials with M_ prefix, material instances with MI_ or sufix with _Inst (prefere prefix)
+--- Textures (inside place materials with T_ prefix
+--- UI (inside place widgets with WBP_ prefix or sufix with _WB / _WBP (prefere prefix)
+--- Meshes (inside place SM_ prefix for Static Meshes)
+--- Animations (no need for a prefix, but needs a related naming for what is used ie Walking, Idle, etc, also this folder is for common
| animations to all characters)
+--- BlendSpaces
+--- RootMotion
+--- InPlace
+--- Characters
+--- Character 01
+--- Meshes (inside SK_ prefix for Skeletal Meshes)
+--- Animations (no need for a prefix, but needs a related naming for what is used ie Walking, Idle, also this folder is for specific
animations related to the char in question
+--- BlendSpaces
+--- RootMotion
+--- InPlace
+--- Audio
+--- Maps (should contain your demo levels and also support assets you have used (starter content if any) to make the demo levels)
Thanks a lot for help!
Any reason nothing of that is even mentioned in marketplace Guidelines?
I think there are some specification somewhere… but mainly when you download any other free project from the Marketplace you see that same structure, depending on contents category it may vary. I have added some more that occurred me later.
It is also good to name assets like:
MI = Material Instance
Mat = Material
SM = Static Mesh
SK = Skeletal Mesh
Dif = Diffuse Texture
Nrm = Normal
Spec = Specular
Personally I prefer, the following:
Though, some start the name with the type, like:
The Marketplace just want that at least your stuff follow the same rule for naming convention, while some like the items being prefixed others like it suffixed with labels. Just don’t use two or more conventions with your items and you should be fine during submission.