Sublevel streaming causes some hitches on load and visibility

I’m working in UE4.27 on a game with interconnected levels, in which the player can walk between them without loading screens (more in the style of Dark Souls, it is not open like Elder Scrolls games).

We finished some first iterations of some areas, and I’m using them to test the native level streaming system and world composition, to decide what we would be using.

One common problem found on both systems is that at the end of the load and visibility stages, there is always a hitch in the gameplay.

Here is a quick video of a standalone test build using level streaming volumes (the pink area loads the level, and the green area sets the visibility):

The sublevel in question being loaded has about 107 actors, with most being merged static mesh actors and others some decals and Niagara particle effects (5 actors).

The load portion used to have a worse hitch, but adjusting these project Streaming settings helped reduce it.

But i couldn’t find anything to help reduce on visibility hitch. We are planning to have transitional areas, so there is no need to process the entire thing in one frame.

And the weird thing is, while this hitch is always present, it has an acceptable duration in some sublevels. While being really bad in some others like this one (even having way fewer actors than some other fast loading sublevels).

So I’m looking for some guidance on what could be done to reduce this hitch, or what could we investigate to adjust in our sublevels.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Discovered the problem, some particles that had a way too high prewarn settings

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Thanks that solved my stutter problem on making a streaming level visible

What is a prewarn setting? I have issues with loading in my project. Could someone tell me what they are and how to find them?