SubD Modeling mode options

I have the Modeling plug ins installed, but my SubD smoothing method is locked to “Loop.”

I do not have the Catmull-Clark and Linear smoothing options.
Is this a bug?

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I confirm it’s missing in my editor too

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I hope they release a fix.
Are there any other ways to SubD a model?

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I usually do most of the modelling in Blender so I don’t really use Unreal modelling tools for this kind of stuff, I use them for quick modifications when I don’t feel like exporting and reimporting a model (or to do stuff like moving the pivot point)

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Your mesh may not not have any polygroups. Try creating polygroups with the Attributes->GrpGen tool. Angle deviation should be fine to test with, once you have the groups try the subdivision tool again and the other methods should be available.


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Hello Russell, I created a model with GrpGen and also tried GrpPnt. Those tools are great.

But the Catmul-Clark and Linear SubD options are still not available. What version of UE5 are you using. The 5.0 version seemed to have the Catmul-Clark and Linear SubD options. But the 5.0.1 update does not.

I am currently running 5.0.1 and I don’t see any issues. Could you make a basic shape with the modeling tools. Try these settings for the cube then try subdivision and see if the options show up.

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Interesting, I can see the catmull-clark subD option on a Cube generated in UE. But if I import a model from Maya, apply GrpGen or GrpPnt, I do not get the catmul-clark subD options.

Do I need to do something special to the Maya model so the catmul-clark SubD options are available?

Since meshes in UE are triangulated we utilize the polygroups to define “quads”. The shapes tool creates these when you set the polygroup value to per quad. Imported models do not have this and they are triangulated on import as well. So if you want to subdivide an imported model you need to create the polygroup structure. In the future we hope to build this structure on import but for now you can define it in couple ways. One method is by setting all the edges in maya to Hard. Then when importing the fbx turn on import normals. Then you can generate the polygroups with the oconversion mode set to “from hard normals seams” this should give you a polygroup set that represents your original edges. Assuming you have a quad model it should be compatible with the subdivide tool.

In my quick test I had a couple faces that were merged so I fixed them with the polyEdit->insert Edge tool I would set the insert mode to “retriangulate” as well.

You should be able to get a clean subdivsion after that.


Wow, this is really good to know, I imagined the problem was something related to triangulation, thanks for sharing this trick

This worked! Thank you.

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