sub task of a simple parallel can’t have a decorator?

I want to have my AI to do a “move and attack” behavior.
The AI chases an enemy.
and while chasing,if they close enough together then the AI can do the attacking task.(it doesn’t stop moving).

it sees enemy →chasing

it chases enemy and close enough →do both attacking and tracing.

here is my simple behavior tree:

As you can see it doesn’t allow me to choose an abort option.

I hope it to run the chasing function ,and sometimes it can attack while moving.

thank you !

tbh Parallel often disappoints me.

In your case I would just use a sequence
‘move to’ with acceptance radius == AttackRange → Attack

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thank you.
but my request a little bit different.
using sequence it can only run a single task at a time.

i need it to do both at the same time

I have achieved it with a service.however I wonder why the simple parallel doesn’t allow decorator at background tree.

I see there’s a build in “cooldown”decorator which seems can abort the task under parallel sub tree?

do you have any clue to make a decorator similar to it? thank you again