Stuttering hierarchy of components

This issue is the same as
Way to reproduce this is shown in the first link, but to clarify:

  1. Add a component, for example static mesh box in Actor blueprint as a root.
  2. Attach another component as a child.
  3. Add a node to rotate them. To ensure there is a jitter, you can pilot the actor blueprint.

If there is no jitter, start simulation 5-10 times and it will appear (in my point of view it looks like incremental).
Also this jitter is not caused by motion blur or temporal AA - it is real and component will shift a lot after series of oscillations.

Example in my project:

I’m sure there is some collision setting that would do it, but that area never quite clicked for me.

Thanks for reply, but it is not a collision in my case: all jittering objects are ignoring collision (in all channels) - they are purely kinematic

Well have you looked into physics sub-stepping?

Well thanks for your help, GIGA, but i finally found a solution. Problem is not intuitive: floating point accuracy when player location is too far from the origin leads to big error in transforms when trying to perform arithmetics. It is fixed by making world property “Rebase world origin” that actually makes an offset from the current location (thus minimising this float-type error), so the problem is solved. Bests

Cool, be sure to put that in the answer section for others with any links, I’d like to know how you discovered this.

Take a look at a floating point accuracy: when player location is too far from the origin it leads to big error in transforms when trying to perform arithmetics. It is fixed by making world property “Rebase world origin” that actually makes an offset from the current location (thus minimising this float-type error), so the problem is solved.

This problem is highlighted in Unity, but I have never met mentions in UE.