Stupid Question: I forgot how do you create the line redirect nodes to clean things up?

I cannot for the life of me remember how to do this, how do you create the line redirect nodes to clean things up?

‘Add Reroute Node’?

that is it but wasnt there a way to do it via a hotkey combination or somthing?

I just looked at the default keyboard shortcuts, and I’m not seeing anything for a reroute node :frowning:

double click on the wire you want the reroute node on

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yeah me either. I could have sworn there was another way to do it. Oh well Thank you for your prompt response man!

into \Config\DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini

 +Node=(Class=K2Node_Knot Key=R Shift=true Ctrl=false Alt=false)

would bind reroute for shift + R + click.
if shift set false, editor would just crash for me :mad:

You can also double click on existing wires to add one.

Thankyou! But watch out guys, I just did that and then did CTRL+Z, and it crashed on me.

ctrlz is unstable.

im using double click add reroute since it introduced.

I think that the double click thing is what I was thinking about but thanks for the info on mapping it as well.

thank you