Studio New Punch Assets

I bought a couple of Zombie assets from Studio New Punch ( that are great )

Now they are under SNP-Old and the packs are sold by a “new” Studio New Punch.

Concerned I will no longer get updates - thanks for any help

They’re showing up under the new SNP for me, but I doubt I’ll purchase any more of their products for such a low marketing ploy - imagine if all sellers did that - unless there’s a reason (like they got locked out of their account).

I’d like to hear if they had a reason for doing it apart from new exposure.

Edit: It would be good if Epic could change the release dates to what they were originally - if this were done it would stop anyone else from getting any ideas.

Interesting - so you dont see them under SNP-Old?

Oh, you’re right - it’s showing the same for me (I did a search and it took me out of the vault and back to the marketplace.)

I hope Epic look into this as it’s not acceptable.

[Update] Seller has been in touch with Epic and is trying to resolve. Here is a link to the discord Studio New Punch.

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