[Student Project] Ancient Battle Arena Extreme

Hey guys,

we (four members) started a new semester project recently and will be posting some wips here.
It will be a third-person coop fighting game, in which you will fight bosses, one after the other, within an arena. We will focus on fast gameplay, with lots of combo-attacks and essential teamplay, in order to kill the boss.
Nothing new, but hey, bosses are super fun, and boss after boss, without the annoying grinding even more :stuck_out_tongue:
The setting will be sci-fi, 80’s style, mixed with a gladiator theme. So we can use all those crazy ideas of ours.

Right now we are working on the arena, and (all new to ue4) getting used to the engine.
Here are some moodpics and a first logo, more wips coming soon.

I created some basic ground textures and a 4 layer-blending terrain material.
Unfortunately displacement and tessellation do not work properly on terrain, because the mesh resolution is not high enough and the tessellation multiplier is locked at 8.

Our first solution right now is, to sculpt the terrain in the way we need it to be and export the final version to a 3d app, to tessellate it further. However, we cannot use our terrain material then -.-
I am setting up a 4/5 layer-blending material with vertex painting right now, so we might use that instead.

My second idea was parallax occlusion mapping, but it seems, there is no good looking POM-material done yet. There are two parallax materials in one of the demo levels, i will check those out, or might try to recreate a UDK POM-material.

If anyone solved this issue, i would be glad for some help :slight_smile:

Nice theme and idea you got there Priareos! All the best. :slight_smile:

Your username already resembles an ancient greek name (maybe its just me) :wink:

Hey there :slight_smile: I am working on this project as well. So far I did tileable walltextures and a little meatball-rolling-minion that will attack our heroes in the arena :slight_smile:


Wow this looks amazing, keep making this, it’s a great idea.
I love Star Wars Geonosis arena it’s amazing would be cool something like that hahaha

Awesome concept so far Priareos! I will be sure to keep an eye on this thread as you progress along in the development of this project. Have a great day!

Hey Guys,

I am also one of the four team members and very excited to do this project!

In the last few days I was working on the basic network setup. My goal was to get each of the three clients a character selection screen, where they choose one out of three classes to play. After that the selected character should spawn in the level alongside the characters, that the other clients have chosen.

Here a small video of this feature working:

Next steps for me:

Set up a small “deathmatch” mode, where all three characters can fight with each other based on their unique standard attack. (Fast projectile, slow projectile, melee attack).

Working on the boss character right now!

Hey Guys,

As promised I was setting up a “deathmatch” game mode, since I wanted to get more familiar with the engine network functions and I needed a good reason to get the character`s standard abilities working. So here you can see, that our three classes all have a health value and every individual has his basic ability (fast weak projectile, slow stronger projectile and “melee”).

Next on my list is a cool looking health bar on the characters and soon I start modeling on one of our three classes, the “ranged”.

It will be looking something like that, but probably I change that to female:

Hey guys,

I got the first prototype of our circular health bar working.

What you see is a circular health bar, where your own bar is always behind you and the bar of the two other members are always facing your direction.

Next step for this is to make the bar more visible on further distances.

Look and functionality is still subject to change

(Propably best to watch in fullscreen)

Blend Material Water Puddle

I created a little blending material, which allows you to blend water/wetness into another texture.
Most of the work was done with the help of Aaron Kaminers great tutorial.
I just tweaked it slightly, still not 100 percent done yet.

Hi, I’m the last missing member of the team and i’ve got a screenshot I want to share:

Some updates on the boss…

Working on the mage class character …

Really cool!! How are you guys making your character select screen?

Really solid work, good job.

Thanks to you and also @Echo!

That is just a UMG Widget with 3 Buttons, which tell the server to spawn something, which then your local player can possess

Thanks for the reply, so the local player at the start of the game is just a starter content character or a placeholder, until he possesses the selected spawned actor?

You start with a custom player controller which possesses nothing locally when the game starts. You basically float somewhere in space with no character. Then the server spawns one out of three characters, depending on the button you press. You then locally possess this character.

Thanks for the reply, I myself am testing myself at making a coop online boss versus game. I looked into the networking tutorials but really had no luck.

Can you guys do a break down on how you achieve a multiplayer game with character select? I’m very interested in learning how its done.