Hi Everyone,
I’m third year computer science student and I have final project this year .I would love to make a simple 3D FPS or RPG game with UE . It would be one man team but I have time until end of April . I want advice from more experienced people if it’s even possible or I should look for another idea. I have pretty good programming skills and I learn new things really fast ,as well I’m taking computer graphics and AI courses this year. Really wish to hear your advice before I make this choice. BTW: I want career associated with games industry or computer graphics . I accept any ideas as well.
Thank you
If your focus is on programming then you don’t have time to do the 3D stuff, so I would find some assets you can put together and then focus on the programming.
+1 for that
Just use assets from the marketplace or sites like www.blendswap or
That’s the thing I really want to learn that 3D stuff , because there is nothing like this in university and whole reason for choosing this as a project is to learn something more .Maybe if I just do half /half , or just do some assets with Blender or Maya and other stuff from marketplace? Or I can do the programming first and then focus on assets depending on how much time I have ? What do you think ,is it possible?
Then do the programming stuff first (+ use prototype assets for the map and gameplay stuff) and when you still have time, create your own meshes -> so learn a 3d program
Thank you very much for advices , gonna do that ^.^
you don’t want to waste time with the details when you don’t even know if what you are thinking of will work, this is true for making a prototype game and making 3d models
focus on making the game logic work first and make your prototype with cubes, cylinders etc., you can use them for everything, just use a cube as a gun for example, switching it out with a detailed model later on is very simple in UE4
with modeling simplify every model you are going to make into basic shapes, the details always come last, even if you want to put some in in the beginning fight that urge it’s a beginner mistake
If you’re just a beginner in 3D then it’s going to take too much time to learn, it’s best if you focus on what you’re good at. Also, for what job you want you need to figure out what you want to do, if you really want to do 3D stuff then it seems like you’re wasting your time. You’re not going to be able to learn a bunch of different things and do them well, so find what you really want to do and focus on becoming really good at that thing.
I would agree with darthviper in a different scenario, but you need to make the final project whatsoever. If you are good in your programming skills, you should focus on making 3d modeling, but on the other side keep the programming workload/the programming complexity relatively simple, so you don’t get stressed out by doing both jobs. You should also aim for a more simple style in terms of modeling, so you aren’t chasing a dragon with a flimsy sword :). If you have a complex game, which needs complex models and animations, you will end up in a time shortage. You also need to prepare for setbacks like bugs and other problems, which can occur in making the game.
I am a modeler myself and am heavily relying on blueprint based scripting, so if you have any further questions ask away :).
Have a good day,