Today i’m building my first project in 4.10.1
Though while previous packages went off without a hitch, compiling in a minute or two,
This time the package just stops just after it reaches the cooking stage.
It doesn’t “crash” or “freeze” it just never updates and just sits there for hours.
This is a copy of the last 4 lines it generates in the log file:
MainFrameActions: Cooking (Windows): Project.Cook: ********** COOK COMMAND STARTED **********
MainFrameActions: Cooking (Windows): CommandUtils.RunCommandlet: Running UE4Editor Cook for project D:\UnrealProjects\worldbuilding.uproject
MainFrameActions: Cooking (Windows): CommandUtils.RunCommandlet: Commandlet log file is C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Cook-2015.12.09-11.41.39.txt
MainFrameActions: Cooking (Windows): CommandUtils.Run: Run: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-Cmd.exe "D:\UnrealProjects\worldbuilding.uproject" -run=Cook -I18NPreset= -TargetPlatform=WindowsNoEditor -fileopenlog -abslog="C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Cook-2015.12.09-11.41.39.txt" -stdout -FORCELOGFLUSH -CrashForUAT -unattended
I compile using the file>package project>windows>64bit menu item
I have tried restarts reboots among other things, but it wont change.
Is there a way to solve this problem?