Stuck on (what should be) a ten minute script

Non-coder here, I’m trying to use Nvidia Waveworks in my sailing-focused game. Waveworks is already implemented, the problem is buoyancy, a feature which WW does not include by default.
Up until now I’ve been using the community ocean project, so I have an advanced buoyancy component, plus I have a component that moves an object up and down with the waves.

I’ve tried(and failed) several times to follow this tutorial ( A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums ) which uses the render target method for buoyancy. I was able to render the displacement to a render target, but I’m lost when it comes to the C++ part, where the height of the waves is calculated for use in BP.

If it helps, here’s the code for the simple buoyancy component I mentioned earlier which gets the displacement data from Waveworks.
.cpp // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. -
.h // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. -

Is it possible to use the displacement data from Waveworks in the advanced buoyancy component from the community ocean project?



WaveWorks is updated recently, you can get it from in order to use buoyancy. you can drop BP/FloatingSphere_Blueprint to the ocean, then assign WaveWorksActor property in FloatingSphere Component. hope you success.