Stuck on vehicle creation

It doesn’t work. :frowning:
The wheels still float.
When I click “Play” it’s like the car falls down, the wheels touch the ground then bounce back up and stay above the ground.
Honestly I can’t figure it out.


Upload the fbx file somewhere and post the link here if you want me to take a look.

While I was trying to replicate the with simpler objects I found that the System Units in MAX were inches, somehow I configured the Units but not the System ones. :S

So I configured the System units, collapsed the stack into Editable Poly, selected the **** geometry and exported it.

There have been changes, the wheels now are sunk in the ground.


While I was typing post I recalled that the wheels radius in the front and rear wheels blueprints was lower than the actual radius so I corrected it and is the result:


What do you say?

I dont think units would cause but it seems normal now. Are the wheels rising up or intersecting with the ground while you drive?

No, with the right wheel radius they behave pretty good.
Can I lower the body so that the wheels fit in the fenders?

Good then. Yeah, you can lower the body as you like. Just make sure it doesnt go below 0 in Z and the pivot is always at 0.

OK thanks for the remember. For now let’s say that the is sorted, I just want to be cautious until I can replicate the good outcome tomorrow, now I’m a bit tired.

For now many thanks . :slight_smile:

Vehicle set up and no problems so far, I’m glad we sorted it out. :slight_smile:
It was the Units Setup mess up that was creating issues.

Now I’d like to:

  1. tweak the vehicle’s beaviour, are there any good references besides the video tutorials?
  2. add engine sound. A quick search brought up: Vehicle engine sounds - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums. Will it work with custom sounds?


1-You can read through Nvidia’s documentation for more information on what does what.
2-That system works with any sound but as i said there changing the pitch depending on RPM isn’t the best solution, and i dont know of any better way to do it right now i’m afraid. :\

So Epic haven’t implemented a engine sound management yet?

Is it one you were talking about?

No, :

And there isn’t a vehicle specific sound management yet. You can check the Vehicle Game in the marketplace to see how Epic did it, even though it’s not great.

The FMOD plugin will be available any time now (supposed to release early September), so keep an eye on the FMOD download page!

FMOD is used by high end studios for games such as Forza 5 and DriveClub, but they also have a free version that will give you some great sound , and should be just a few more days. :smiley: I for one can’t wait!

That’s great news! Thanks for the heads up, . :slight_smile:

Wow that’s some fairly complex stuff there. :smiley:
Oh, OK, luckily the part i’m interested in “Tuning Guide” is not as complex as the promming ones.

I will take a look at the marketplace to check out the Vehicle Game, now I’m not at the PC UE4 is installed in.

Thanks for the heads up.Keep us informed if you don’t mind. :slight_smile:

Hey, a question of setting up the vehicle, do i create a skeleton with objects in 3dsmax, along with the mesh?
Or do I just create the mesh, call the car body root and place its pivot at 0,0,0 , and then let unreal create a skeleton?

depends on how complecated you want your rig

Minimum, box and 4 cylinders.
I have 1 made, i set the cars body boxs pivot point at 0,0,0 underneath the body.
4 wheels linked to the body.
Ie i did not create any bones.
Imported the car, let unreal set up the skeleton.
followed the tutorial.
And when i run the physatt simulation, or try it ingame, it just bounces around like crazy.

I’ve set all the pivot points to be right… i believe ive gone through all the settings… still it just bounces all over the place.

size and scale are very important when using the physics system, when in the editor compare your car to the third person mesh (blue guy), also double check that the main(root) is at 0,0,0 i know you said you have, also that the wheels are on the ground before you export