Stuck on basic State Tree (again)

Hi there.

I have tried State Trees for AI stuff in 5.2 & 5.3 and wanted to try doing more complicated things with them now in 5.4.1. But somehow I am currently stuck at the very beginning and I have no clue why.

  • I have created a very simpla character class and added the Manny mesh & animation.
  • I have added the plugins for State Trees (StateTree, GameplayStateTree)
  • I have added the State Tree component to the character and added a simple State Tree with 1 leaf state and one “print string” task
  • It looks fine to me, as I am sure I’ve done several times before and got it working but for some reason… it doesn’t?

Please help, I’m losing (some of) my marbles! >.<



Ugh… Nevermind… ^^;;;

I was using the StateTreeAI component on my character instead of a StateTree component. Apparently the component with the “AI” suffix is for use on an AIController, not on an actor/pawn/character. The naming suggested the “use this for AI logic” for me, but that wasn’t the case. My mistake. I’ll leave the post undeleted and answered, in case someone else has the same problem. :slight_smile:



Thanks for this. However I can’t even get the StateTreeAI component to run correctly using an AI controller. Visual logger shows it’s literally doing nothing. I think it’s just busted right now, using a regular state tree with an evaluator to reference the AI controller necessary has been my solution.

i fix that problem in begin play in ai controller, with node start logic, its seem like start logic automatic dont work, but force in begin play, work for me

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