I can see that the issue originates from my gun actor class from the error message in the attached picture, but I’ve tried everything from commenting out the code I added before the crash to deleting the C++ files themselves. Can someone help me so I can get back into my project.
I not sure what this means.
Someone else had a similar issue, and they had to manually go into the folders and delete the files there.
Is that what you meant you did?
I did do that. But I also meant I tried commenting out the C++ code I made since the last successful compile and before the crash. But yes now I’ve deleted the files themselves and it still won’t open, it’s like the project isn’t updating
I see.
Very odd.
I’ll follow this, because I may encounter this in the future.
So what I needed to do was delete the binaries, .vs, intermediate, and saved folders then rebuild the project after fixing the code issue. This is a way to get out of this loop if you fix your script.
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