Apologies if this is a newbie sort of questions, I’m not finding resources that point me toward an answer on this.
I have a very simple chase/patrol AI set up with a behavior tree (I’ll link a picture). I’ve noticed some odd behavior that it causes when an AI uses navlink proxies and my player character is on an elevated platform. Since navigating to this area can cause the AI to briefly lose sight of the character, it starts moving toward the last known location using the navlink proxy. Correct behavior, cool. While it’s using the navlink proxy, it will regain sight of the player character, and so the BT switches to the active chase sequence branch. But since this results in a MoveTo being called while the AI is using a navlink proxy, the AI turns around to head back toward the starting point it just used to re-navigate toward the player. Which causes it to loose sight, regain sight, call moveto again, etc.
What is the best way of dealing with this sort of behavior? I’m assuming it can be encountered outside of my particular use case, so how does one best prevent AI from get stuck in this sort of cycle when calling MoveTo and using NavLinks?
Edit: should probably mention that I’m in UE 5.1 for this project, sorry! That’s probably helpful info.