Stubbornly missing fluid based particle system.

I’m coming here today with an odd situation.
I have created an explosion based on this video:

It works nicely in the system preview. It worked in the editor.
When it comes to PIE and packaged, well, it works about half the time. It is actually weirder than that. It mostly works one time after I make a change. ANY change.

The way I am spawning this system is when I get a “missile hit” event (custom of course), I use Spawn System At Location giving the node the current actor location. Current actor is the missile in question in the missile hit event. The way I am testing it is to have a key event attached to T key.

I also have a low quality explosion that isn’t using the fluid system and it works every time. However, getting the higher quality one working consistently would be the best outcome.

Thank you for any suggestions as to what might be going on with this.

EDIT: UE 5.3.2