Struggling with TMaps and Arrays

How do you get the length of a Tmap? It’s literally all I’m trying to get but it’s become a struggle. Num() doesn’t work, it creates issues and doesn’t get the number of elements in the dictionary.

I tried turning it into an array like so:

This was generally where I was going with this anyway since I want something with a set order to iterate though but there’s still no length option or anything comparable. And again, Num() doesn’t work. It even bugs out the debug message.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Category")
TMap<FName, int32> KeyValue;

for (const TPair<FName, int32>& Pair : KeyValue)
	const FNameKey = Pair.Key;
	const int32Value = Pair.Value;
    // Do stuff

Oh, I forgot to close this. It turned out to be a false negative debug issue.

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