Struggling to package the Matrix City Sample. ERROR: The following files are set to be staged, but contain restricted folder names ("IOS", "Android",

Amateur here.
I’ve tried disabling those plugins because I don’t even need them. I’m just trying to package it for Windows, so why does it bother with all the IOS, Android, and Linux stuff? And are the I tried adding +WhitelistDirectories=CitySample/Content/Foo to the DefaultGame.ini but it seems to not do anything. Am I supposed to replace “Foo” with something?

he other weird thing is that when I first created the project and tried to run it, it said that the target was not found. It was looking for, but mine in that folder was called So I renamed it, and tried it again, and it progressed further. But maybe that was a mistake?

Is there like some step-by-step instructions on how to package a sample project like this?

Find the “Config/DefaultGame.ini” files
and paste these at the end.

+RemapDirectories=(From=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/IOS”, To=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/IOS_1”)
+RemapDirectories=(From=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/Android”, To=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/Android_1”)
+RemapDirectories=(From=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/Linux”, To=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/Linux_1”)
+RemapDirectories=(From=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/LinuxArm64”, To=“Engine/Binaries/Win64/LinuxArm64_1”)
+RemapDirectories=(From=“Engine/Plugins/Online/Android”, To=“Engine/Plugins/Online/Android_1”)
+RemapDirectories=(From=“Engine/Plugins/Online/IOS”, To=“Engine/Plugins/Online/IOS_1”)

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I was only able to package the project using another way of packaging, “Project Laucher”
