I’m in the process of making a 2d Sidescroller game in Unreal Engine. I am trying to grasp the concept of level streaming as it relates to the dynamic gameplay I’m attempting to implement. I’m hitting a roadblock for understanding the best practice for how to structure my levels, tilemaps, and level loading techniques to have a randomized selection of pre-designed levels appear in a certain sequential order. I don’t think that World Partition is the solution as the game is a composite of different levels chosen at the start of the game. I’m at a loss for being able to find resources online that point to my specific problem or use-case. Unreal doesn’t support the relocating of Streamed Levels within the editor and the node only works for testing in a Standalone Game. I’m very appreciative of any input or feedback.
Thank you.
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Take a look at ‘load level instance’.
It’s just like streaming, but has two advantages
You don’t need to fill your persistent with the levels that you might want to stream later.
You can load the instance with any transform.
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