Mainly because when using prefabs, there is no single way to remove it inside UEFN, only in live edit.
Here is an example:
-Place the Prison prefab down in UEFN, but high up in the air
-Open live edit
This will destroy it (randomly or if you move a wall while live edit is running).
To avoid this behavior, you have to turn off the structural grid. However, the anchor prop that holds the prefab doesn’t have that option (it should), so you have to do that in every single prop instead.
However, its even harder than that. If you select the prefab parent prop and hit Ctrl+Shift+D, you will select all actors inside that prefab. Now try to find the structural grid option in Details. You can’t, because only the actors that are architecture have it, and you have selected the props too. So how do you select only architecture?
This in general makes the structural grid system a pain in UEFN, because I just mentioned one example, one placement, imagine having thousands of that action in a map that has a ton of architecture. You have to turn off the structural grid everytime, because live edit will destroy that asset randomly otherwise.
The solution would be a toggle inside UEFN that activates structural grid. This will be like the toggle we have in Creative and allow us to place objects freely, in the air, if we want to, without them being destroyed. This currently is missing from UEFN and adds a ton of confusion to new creators, and a lot of frustration in the old ones.