
Hi guys, I have been working a lot with Structs over the last few months and would like to make a few comments that I would like to see in future engine updates as they would make working with Structs a lot easier.

Simplified access to editing structs
Suppose you create a custom struct and integrate it into blueprint classes. You use a variable with the struct and use break/make or split functionalities. I would like to be able to double-click on a break/make node to DIRECTLY open and edit my custom struct class. Or alternatively right click on the variable or break/make node → ‘Edit Struct’ to open the struct class immediately (assuming it is a custom struct).

Struct editing
As soon as a struct is integrated into blueprint classes, interfaces etc., there can be problems when building if the struct is edited afterwards. My solution so far has always been → close all blueprint classes (otherwise the engine may crash) → rename the struct → restart the engine and fix redirectors.

It would be nice if you didn’t have to worry about the whole project breaking every time you edit a struct. The same also applies to changes to enums that are included in a struct.

Perhaps you have further change requests or suggestions for improvement that you would like to see in future engine updates in connection with structs.

Let’s turn this discussion into a struct feedback thread.