Old trick that doesnt works.
We need a proper bugfix and no work around.
Old trick that doesnt works.
We need a proper bugfix and no work around.
i never said it was a fix for the engine.
+1 to this! Thanks so much, I was freaking out for a second but this one seems to have fixed it for now.
im glad this helped you…it always works for me (i just love changing my structs too much)
Its not fixed ^^ This is actually making it worst.
Make backups cause once your engine code got corrupted your project is beyond fixable without a backup.
I hope we get an engine Update soon on this.
really sorry it doesnt fix it for you, its ok if you downvote for not working it for you but as long as it helps others, i take it as a fix for me. best of the luck waiting for unreal for the proper fix.
Is there any update on this? This error is unfixable with normal ressources and the errors get worse and worse. This is extreme!
There’s no reason to worry Filly. A fix will be coming in due time, although it may be a while due to it not being a high priority compared to crashes and other compatibility issues. It is always helpful when users provide temporary workarounds as it can help others in the meantime. As mentioned, I’ll be sure to update you here whenever there are any changes to the report.
renaming structure worked for me. tho rewire 1400 references every time is shed
The above fix did not work for me, so I continued to play around and finally found a fix that works for me. Here are my steps:
Reconnect everything properly and compile/save the project
Right click on the content folder in content browser and " Fix Up Redirections in Folder"
Save and Close Project
Go into the project folder and delete Intermediate folder
Re-open project
Even after reconnecting and compiling everything it still would not let me package the project for Android. Saying that the two files would not compile. So I figured it wasn’t actually writing my changes. Deleting the Intermediate folder fixed it.
Hope this helps someone!
renaming the struct worked for me. however, in my case, i wasn’t changing any default value or variable type. i was adding members to the struct which broke the pins on editor restart, so might be a different bug. editor version 4.12.5.
also note, i haven’t been able to reproduce this on a clean project, and in all cases where the pins broke on the existing project involved a blueprint forloop. recreating these nodes didn’t solve the problem. the only successful workaround so far has been struct renaming.
I’m using UE4.14 and and also got this problem. This helped me, but I also had to rename my struct.