Hi guys. I’m continuously running to strange problems with structs with no reason found. During the dev for the last 3 month there was multiple occasions when the project suddenly didn’t start at all, crashed on startup with ‘Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x’ on multiple addresses. After rolling back the modified struct asset the project voila worked again, modifying the same struct the same way without further hiccups. WTF?
Now an even stranger problem appeard: no modification made for the particular struct and it works fine in editor PIE. The struct is used several times, no errors, fully functioning. BUT, when trying to package the project cooking fails like:
Is the base structure in c++ or is the struct created in the editor?
If you added a file by hand in vs / rider then perhaps you need to add it to the Intermediate\ProjectFiles\YourProjectName.vcxproj.filters file inside of ItemGroup.
Thanks, it’s interesting concept. Structs are created/modified in UE editor only (as they seems soooo fragile), other assets are modified in Rider however I always try to avoid live coding as it caused other issues. None of the structs are in the vcxproj.filters file though.
The project has a dozen of structs and always there is only one compromised at a time, but not the same one. Usually I copy uassets elsewhere, roll back in git and then overwrite one-by-one till the project starts. In this case as it’s a build error it had an error line so it’s easier. Still don’t understand though.
It’s probably a lingering engine bug. Maybe an internal struct asset guid or other form of it’s identification gets lost along the way and needs to be re-synced in some way.
Seems like a low priority thing for epic though, seeing as it’s been present for ages.