If I have 2 structs of the same type, and each has a variable with chickens in it. How would I copy the chicken variable value from structA to structB?
Is the variable with chickens an array?
I have 3 variables in my struct I need to transfer, one of them is an integer array.
structA – > break structure —> chicken variable — > make structure → structB
What I dont get is how to connect it if I only want to take these 3 variables from structA and set them on structb.
You need to take the ones that you don’t want to replace from the same struct you want to add them to.
Like this example:
You get the “Has Spawned” variable from Struct A and the other 2 variables from Struct B and you save all of the new values into Struct B, even though 2 of them haven’t really changed.
Thanks for the screenshot, it is very helpful.