Hi everyone,
I tried following the unreal documentation on this topic from what I understood it should be very simple, so I tried creating a struct in my playercontroller’s header
struct FShipMovementStruct
AShipBase* ShipPointer;
FVector ShipDirection;
ShipPointer = nullptr;
ShipDirection = FVector::ZeroVector;
But I guess there is more to it. The compiler throws the following errors saying that they are the [ProjectName].cpp file. I haven’t touched anything there. Here is the output:
TheColony.generated.cpp(77): error C2653: ‘FShipMovementStruct’ : is not a class or namespace name
TheColony.generated.cpp(85): error C2065: ‘FShipMovementStruct’ : undeclared identifier
TheColony.generated.cpp(85): error C2070: ‘unknown-type’: illegal sizeof operand
TheColony.generated.cpp(89): error C2653: ‘FShipMovementStruct’ : is not a class or namespace name
TheColony.generated.cpp(94): error C2065: ‘FShipMovementStruct’ : undeclared identifier
TheColony.generated.cpp(94): error C2923: ‘UScriptStruct::TCppStructOps’ : ‘FShipMovementStruct’ is not a valid template type argument for parameter ‘CPPSTRUCT’
TheColony.generated.cpp(94): error C2512: ‘UScriptStruct::TCppStructOps’ : no appropriate default constructor available
TheColony.generated.cpp(94): error C2660: ‘UScriptStruct::DeferCppStructOps’ : function does not take 1 arguments
TheColony.generated.cpp(787): error C2065: ‘FShipMovementStruct’ : undeclared identifier
TheColony.generated.cpp(787): error C2923: ‘UScriptStruct::TCppStructOps’ : ‘FShipMovementStruct’ is not a valid template type argument for parameter ‘CPPSTRUCT’
TheColony.generated.cpp(787): error C2512: ‘UScriptStruct::TCppStructOps’ : no appropriate default constructor availableTC_PlayerController.cpp
TheColony.generated.cpp(787): error C2664: ‘UScriptStruct::UScriptStruct(const UScriptStruct &)’ : cannot convert argument 1 from ‘FObjectInitializer’ to ‘EStaticConstructor’
No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
TheColony.generated.cpp(788): error C2065: ‘FShipMovementStruct’ : undeclared identifier
TheColony.generated.cpp(788): error C2059: syntax error : ‘)’
TheColony.generated.cpp(788): error C2143: syntax error : missing ‘(’ before ‘)’
TheColony.generated.cpp(789): error C2065: ‘FShipMovementStruct’ : undeclared identifier
TheColony.generated.cpp(789): error C2059: syntax error : ‘)’
TheColony.generated.cpp(789): error C2143: syntax error : missing ‘(’ before ‘)’
And the problematic code in TheColony.cpp file is the following
class UScriptStruct* FShipMovementStruct::StaticStruct()
static class UScriptStruct* Singleton = NULL;
if (!Singleton)
extern THECOLONY_API class UScriptStruct* Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FShipMovementStruct();
extern THECOLONY_API uint32 Get_Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FShipMovementStruct_CRC();
extern THECOLONY_API class UPackage* Z_Construct_UPackage_TheColony();
Singleton = GetStaticStruct(Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FShipMovementStruct, Z_Construct_UPackage_TheColony(), TEXT("ShipMovementStruct"), sizeof(FShipMovementStruct), Get_Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FShipMovementStruct_CRC());
return Singleton;
and the following two lines which I barely understand
ReturnStruct = new(EC_InternalUseOnlyConstructor, Outer, TEXT("ShipMovementStruct"), RF_Public|RF_Transient|RF_Native) UScriptStruct(FObjectInitializer(), NULL, new UScriptStruct::TCppStructOps<FShipMovementStruct>, EStructFlags(0x00000001));
UProperty* NewProp_ShipDirection = new(EC_InternalUseOnlyConstructor, ReturnStruct, TEXT("ShipDirection"), RF_Public|RF_Transient|RF_Native) UStructProperty(CPP_PROPERTY_BASE(ShipDirection, FShipMovementStruct), 0x0000000000000000, Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FVector());
Can someone please tell me what is the problem