Easiest way i found to make city sample traffic work is to just delete everything not necessary in City Sample project, and to do that i just created another project directory CitySample copied over everything except Content folder and Compressed file from DerivedDataCache ( only VT from DDC ). Now just open regular CitySample project and migrate only MassCrowd level (located in AI folder). It will pull every dependency with it. Now when you open the stripped down version just change default map on open project. There are still some things not necessary (some VT in DDC which I don’t know how to delete only unnecessary ones). If you wish to migrate over only traffic and not pedestrians make a copy of MassCrowd level in CitySample and delete from level everything connected to pedestrian system and migrate that level. I migrated only traffic and project was around 18GB. You can further remove drivers from cars if you wish so by changing Vehiecle configs.