String to enumeration

Is it possible to create an array of strings based off of an enumeration output and then take the string array output and use it to create a new enumeration?

For example, lets say I take an enumeration input values of 1,2,3,4 and another one of 5,6,7,8 and append the two enumerations to make output values such as 15,26,35 and so on.

If those output values are set into a string array, can they be used to create a new enum with the output values set as the new input values for the new enum?

Possible, yes. Cheap, no.

What you have to do is to make an array of strings that match the enum values. Then you can use the enum value to lookup the array and return the string. Then, to convert back to enum you loop through all array elements and return the index of the string that matched.

However possible it is, I would try to redesign my system to avoid this.


Alright, I’m going to do some more research and see if I can figure anything else out. I’m going to try this method out as well and see if I can get it done. There aren’t too many values, so it might not be that bad.