String Table as Text Parameter Reverts to Default Value For Default Editor Map

Hello. Not sure if this is a bug more so if a known bug. But when I call a function with a text parameter in the default map, it reverts to the default value of the string table.

The steps I did were:

  1. Create a UE5.2 project (also happens on UE5.1)

  2. Create a string table with at least 2 key value pairs

  3. Create a new level. Set it as the default editor startup map in project settings

  4. Create a function with a Text parameter. Set default value to the created string table

  5. Call the function in the startup level blueprint and set the parameter to a different value

  6. Save then reopen the project. I see that the value reverts to the default parameter value

When I reopen the level, the value refreshes to the correct one.

When I reopen the project, it always reverts to the default param value. If I save the map with this setup, the value will also be set to that value.

I tried this as well on UE4 but this doesn’t happen there.