string related nodes

hello, i just want to ask…
if there’s a way to

  1. get string length?
    source string: hello
    length = 5

  2. delete a character inside a string?
    source string: hello
    position of first character to delete: 2
    number of characters to delete: 2
    result: hlo

  3. copy a portion inside a string?
    source string: hello
    position of first character to copy: 4
    number of characters to delete: 2
    result: lo

  4. insert

  5. string parse with delimeter?

i just noticed… i found them in
utilities > string

i was selecting a ‘name’ no wonder it didn’t came out… >.<

Good you found it.

Small hint: text has some great string handling nodes. dunno why epic split it that way.
Great TEXT node is “Format”, works almost like printf in C