Streaming levels will not work in Shipment built

LoadStreamLevel by Name or by Object Reference will work fine in the editor and in the Development builds, but will not in the Shipment builds. Of course logic does not change across these.

I can see the level is actually being loaded, but it disappears after few a milliseconds.
Everything else works, no errors.

Load Level by a string works just fine, but I prefer using Streaming node as I get the response exactly when the level is finished loading.

Unreal 5.1.1

Anyone experienced this issue or know something special about Streaming levels in Shipment builds?

Solved it, but it was nothing to do with my assumption that it is a problem of Streaming Levels / Shipment builds.

I did base some logic on GetDisplayName node, which is only for shipment builds…!!!
I rather not have such node at all - it took me one week to debug the problem… also considering that logging in Shipments builds is not enabled by default…

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