Streaming Level not loaded in replay


I’m trying to implement a Replay System in my game. My game is composed of 1 level with 4 sublevels. at the beginning of the game I use Load Stream Level in the Persistent Level Blueprint to Preload the sublevels and later on with a Multicast Event I get the streaming level I want to show and Set “Should Be visible” to true.

When I’m recording I see the levels show/Hide but when I replay I only see the movement of my Pawn.
Is there any solution for loading the sublevels in runtime while replaying ?

PS: If you need more details I can provide some.

To reproduce this bug:

  • Have a Persistent Level with 4 SubLevels, all sublevels streaming method must be blueprint and by default they must not be loaded/visible

  • In the Persistent Level Blueprint, at Begin Play, Use “Load Stream Level” for 1 sublevel and set Make Visible After Load to True

  • Add a Has Authority node, on authority , Use “Load Stream Level” again for the 3 other sublevels but don’t check Make Visible After Load. don’t load stream level if remote

  • Create an Actor that has an Event Dispatcher that is called when you press H and you have authority, then place this actor in the Persistent Level

  • Back in the Persistent Level Blueprint after the 3 Load Stream Level (and still in has authority) Bind a Custom Event (no replication) to the Previously Placed Actor’s Event Dispatcher, don’t do it for remote

  • In this custom event call a Multicast Event that get the first Streaming Level and set Should Be Visible/ Should be Loaded (both) to false, tehn get the Second Streaming Level and Set Should Be Visible/ Should be Loaded (both) to true.

  • Package the game

  • Play, start demorec

  • Move around and Press H to load the second sublevel, in the game the levels should have switch, Move some more before next step

  • demostop

  • demoplay

  • Expected : The first sublevel disapear while the second Appear in replay

  • What realy Happens : The first level is still here and the Second is hidden But I can still see my Pawn moving like in the record

PS: if you use ?listen and connect an other player to the game both player will see the levels switching. The problem only occur while replaying a recorded demo

Okay, figured out a way to trick the game (Not an actual fix, just a workaround)

I created a GameInstance c++ file following the Replay System Tutorial (A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums)
and I added a bool IsReplay Accessible in Blueprint, when ever I do a Has Authority node I check if I’m in replay and if this is the case I byPass it and execute the code that should only be executed by the Authority path, so that the DemoNetDriver can show/hide the levels.

I think the problem come from the Multicast not being received by the DemoNetDriver.

Hi,I have a same problem as yours,could you tell me the detailed solution.How to make the DemoNetDriver show the sub levels?Thank you!

Could the issue be that multicast isn’t being recorded for replays? I’m running into that issue where my multicasts work fine when playing multiplayer, but when I go to replay, none of them fire.

Yep that’s exactly what issue I had. So I had to make a change when I was calling stuff from the server side I forced them to be called on client side only when I was in replay mode. BTW I think 4.20 is coming with a new replay system


For my needs this is how I did GI_Recordable is my C++ GameInstance, this Gameinstance has a public boolean that is called IsReplay and is set to true when you are in replay (I set it manually to true when I press the replay Input which can be whatever you want it to be) This might not be what you want but this is how I did it.