Sorry, i didn´t have time to respond.
Well, the problem is not the packing itself. Let my try to explain:
I´m creating a little and simple game, with Splash Screen, Main Menu, Loading Screen and the game itself. I´ve created a Persistent Level and then added the levels in there.
Start with “Persistent Level”, just loading the Stream Level “Animated Splash” and Remote Event with the name: “LoadingSplashScreen”, as following the image next.
In “Animated Splash” Level Blueprint, simply create Widget, Delay, Load Stream Level “Menu”, also adding a delay, i don´t know why, but if i put just one, doesn´t work correctly and doesn´t delay. After it, i remove the widget, add a Remote Event called “LoadMainMenu” and Unload the current Stream Level. As following the image. (i put like this just to printscreen).
In Menu Level Blueprint, almost the same as before, but setting The Input Mode UI Only and set to show mouse cursor.
In the Widget “MenuPrincipal” I had to use Open Level because it weren´t able to use Load Stream Level. As you can see, there is an unplugged funtion, that´s the first big problem: If i plug in the “Load Stream Level” to start “Showcase”, the Loading Screen doesn´t start.
Just take a look in the “Loading Screen”. I have many things i´ve tried to use, i understand the logic, but didn´t work for me.
Well, i´m not able to load more images here, but in Showcase Level, i´ve followed one tutorial.
Create a Custom Event as Load Level > Spawn Player (target is Showcase).
Another Custom Event as Spawn Player > SpawnActor Player Start > Get All Actor of Class (Player Start) > Get > == and Get Actor Transform > Branch (false) > SpawnActor First Person Character > Possess > “Mouse Configuration”…
That´s all.