stream level issues

Ok I have 2 issues.

1 - When streaming my sublevels from persistent level, everything streams visually but the sublevel does not use its own level blueprint data.

2 - When adding a sublevel to persistent level, it duplicates the trigger boxes from the sub level. And Im not sure which level it places the duplicates in because the “level type” of the duplicate trigger box is just a long digit combination of random letters and numbers.

Any help is appreciated.

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  1. Works ok for me. Maybe you can give a bit more info?

  2. ‘Adding a sublevel’: Do you mean in editor or at runtime? So you get two copies of the trigger boxes in the sublevel?

I add the sublevels to the persistent level via the level window. Then in the level blueprint of the persistent level, i stream the sublevels when i need them.

For example, in level 2 my character walks up stairs in a very specific way via the level 2 blueprint. But when level 2 is streamed in from the persistent level (in game), my character does not walk up the stairs the way i designed him to. Like its not using any of the level blueprint data for level 2. The persistent level blueprint works fine. The trigger boxes that make him walk up in a specific manner are the ones that are duplicated in the editor but its now even working in game

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Can you show the level BP code that doesn’t work?

Yes i can it wont be until later when i get off work. But i know nothing is wrong with the level 2 blueprint because ive used it many times when i open that level from the editor. Its only when i stream in level 2 (sub level) from persistent main level that it doesnt utilize any of level 2’s blueprint.

Its almost like because im technically always in the persistent level, it acts like it only wants to use the persistent levels blueprint.

If im streaming a sublevel, do i need to stream its level blueprint as well?

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When you stream the level, it will run the level BP.

I’m thinking you have something in the code that works when you play the level as a standalone object, but not when it’s streamed. A reference for example.

Figured it out after banging my head on my desk for a couple hours. Had to disable world partition in my sublevel for its trigger boxes and overlap events to work while being streamed from the persistent level. ----Not sure why this works

World settings>World partition set up

Uncheck “enable streaming”. Then under the advanced section, disable world partition.

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