Hi all, we have two announcements to make regarding Strata.
First, there is now a Strata example level in the public Content Examples for UE 5.1. This level contains a lot of information that augments the public documentation, including some of the examples shown in the documentation. (Note: UE must be updated to 5.1.1, 5.1.0 will not load the Strata sample level.)
If you already have the Content Examples for 5.1 downloaded from the marketplace, your vault cache copy should automatically update with the latest version. You can check this by seeing if the directory “ContentExamples_5.1\data\Content\ExampleContent\Strata” exists in your Vault Cache directory. (If not, please try deleting the Content Examples asset and re-downloading it.) Then create a new Content Examples project from the “Vault” area of the Library tab. We recommend making a separate copy of the Content Examples for Strata because you will need to enable it in the project settings, and the other levels in the project have not been fully QA’d with Strata enabled.
The second announcement is a heads up that in UE 5.2, Strata is going to be renamed to Substrate. If you are building from source you might have already noticed this. For now you should keep calling it Strata, but if you see any announcements about Substrate, it is simply the new name.