UE4 Version: 4.20.2-4302132+++UE4+Release-4.20
PC Specs:
- CPU: Intel Core i7 2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
- RAM: 16GB
- OS: Windows 10 (64-Bit)
I’ve been working with UE4 for a little over a year now with zero problems with the editor, however yesterday I started UE4 up per usual and started experiencing a bizarre issue involving the ThirdPersonCharacter actor rendering within the editor itself. Even on a fresh project, without having touched anything at all I get the visual bug seen in the [video][1] I posted below. No idea what’s causing it or how to even begin to debug it.
Things I’ve noticed:
- It only seems to occur when the TPC’s visibility is turned on in editor. (Disabling it stops the issue.)
- If I play the scene, everything runs properly and I experience no issue.
Screenshot / Video
[- YouTube][3]
Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated, as I’ve no idea how to resolve this.
Thanks in advance!
— rabblrouser