Strange UVs behaviour

Hi everyone, I’m new to this forum and also a new UE user.
I created a project in Maya, freezed all, cenetered all pivots and imported to UE 5.1
Everything works fine except for the doors: it seems something related to the rotation of the asset but I can’t get it.

As you can see the right door shows distorted UVs (the door frame is fine)

All the doors facing Y have that issue.

Here’s the UV Editor of the doors working fine (the ones facing X)

That’s what happens in the other ones facing Y

If your door looks ok until you rotate it, then it’s probably your material. Can you show that?

Thanks for the response, but nothing seems to change.
It’s really odd because it happens only on the doors.

Can you show your door material graph?

Nothing special, all very basic. Maps made with Substance Painter.

I told you I’m new to UE :grimacing:

Right, I think it doesn’t matter which way the door faces, it’s the side of the door you’re looking at?

If the front looks ok, but the back doesn’t, it’s a UV problem.

No, the fact is that if you look at the first image I posted, you will notice that the door on the right (though it’s the same models made inside Maya but simply placed with a different rotation) has distorted UVs, as if the UV mapping was rotated within the model somehow!
That is not normal to me, but I cannot fix it inside UE.

My question is, are we looking at the other side of the door there? ( I notice a difference in the frame position ).

The first image, the shaded one, shows both doors side to side as is by plans.
The two UV Editor screenshots show respectively both assets as imported from Maya: same UVs and different geometry orientation in the space, as all door frames for example.
But while all the door frames or handles have correct UVs, all the doors facing Y in this project, have that issue.

Maybe try to put another wood material on both doors. If the same thing happens then it might be your mesh. If it is ok with the new material then it might be your material.

When I first read this I instantly thought you are using world tiling materials. But that’s not what your material looks like. Are you sure you actually have that material you showed on the mesh?

But a door is a door. Why not just work with one door?

I don’t know anything about Maya, but looking at channel 0 in the static mesh editor will tell you if one of the doors have screwed up UVs.