Strange Take Recorder Error

Hey guys and gals.

I am having a strange error with take recorder. Basically I am recording an animation through live link to a metahuman. (But I get the error without live link as well.)

The Animation records fine. But when I try to save. I get this error.

Can’t save E:/Unreal Projects/Animation/Content/Cinematics/Takes/2022-07-18/Scene_1_04.uasset: Graph is linked to object World /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap (AttachParent) in external map

Anyone have any idea what this means? And how to fix it.

My level is just the basic Third Person Map.

I had this error, struggled for ages to fix it, couldn’t use “possessable” recording mode cause UE crashed with too many takes, and found all of these unanswered questions like this. For me, the problem was caused by my spawned metahuman having a NiagaraComponent_0 spring system added, and if I deleted that from the spawned character and the track list, everything saved and worked fine.