That is the mesh of Spectator Pawn. I’m guessing you didnt need a pawn and didnt set anything in world settings, so the game spawns the default spectator pawn.
I am currently making a Pong clone to learn UE4. I have the entire game contained in one blueprint. I have my axis inputs set up as A for up and Z for down for the player paddle. I currently have the ball moving and colliding with the walls and that is working fine. The issue that I am having is that when I press A or Z the paddle does not move up and down, but rather sometimes this strange sphere spawns and moves through my blueprint components based on my input. (holding A moves the sphere and pressing ctrl gives the sphere gravity). I can guarantee that there is not a sphere in the level and the only components are sprites contained in the Main Game blueprint. See the first screenshot for the strange sphere picture and see the second two pictures for my player input event graph (third picture is a screenshot of the clampY macro)
Pawn is what you actually control in a game. Check out world settings and see what is set as player pawn. If it is empty or greyed out, create a Game Mode BP > select that Game Mode in world setings > select your Pong BP as default player pawn and now you shouldnt be seeing the sphere anymore.
The blueprint is set up as an Actor. Is there a reason why the blueprint would be taking control of the spectator pawn?
I’m setting up my game mode like so and still I’m not getting any movement from the paddle, but I no longer see the sphere so I guess that’s a plus. Any idea why my script is still not pushing my paddle around?
Have you set that blueprint to receive input in Defaults section?
You’re the best. Simple noob mistake thank you SO much for being persistent with helping me with my issue!
No problem! Happy to help.