Strange shadows like LODs from a distance or IDK help!…

So as uoi can see played from a batch file you see this, it’s annoying these shadows any help please ? Maybe is it the scale ? I have no idea…

If you select your dominant directional light and change the Whole Scene Dynamic Shadow Radius to something like a 1000,does it help?
I think there was a thread somewhere here by CobaltUdk (if im not mistaking) about fixing Stripe like cascaded shadows?Not sure if this is the same thing.

Did a quick search for that thread, but it looks like I don’t have it saved in my favorites.

That did something But if not from far from near it’s the problem… White and black thing : / Well the exterior it’s more important.
Will record another video soon. I guess

Do the meshes have a light map? If yes(they should) try to bump it to something like 128 or even 256 for bigger meshes and render bake light again.(most meshes should be 64 though )
Also know that bumping the Whole Scene Dynamic Shadow Radius does affect performance.I find 500-1000 to be the acceptable range.… with 15 000 value it’s kind of better but still there has to be a thing to do so.

I give them 512 for each lightmap ya know…

Importance volume also covering the whole area and still very much the same idk…

Well I’ll just keep it away from the sun I guess… IDK xD finally moved sun stuff.