strange problem

My problem is that he is not able to save ActorLocation / Rotation / Scale
everything is correct when I save (In the game) but this error always happens after loading the game (in the game) I checked and rechecked. I can not find anything. I
can you help me or or just a little idea that could help me. if you are missing information I will quickly answer you!

Picture 7 you loaded the game but have not set the variable of the Save Game Object with I think should be Save Game Sub Class that why its a null

Yes I already have variable here.

but Thank you for your reply.
Personally I do not think it’s a blueprint problem. Because when I compile it tells me that I am not mistaken.

It’s a runtime problem because you trying to load the level but not saving the variable, then you trying to get the info of your character from the Save you did early and not from the load variable, so yeah what you showing in this picture its the save you need to get the data from the load…