Strange problem with detour ai controller

Hello, i’ve had some strange problem in my UE project some time ago. I’ve decided to change parent class of my controller to Crowd Ai controller, of course i understand that mostly it used for big crowds, but even for several bots it would be good, because its avoidance works fine (i know about RVO avoidance, but it works not as good as Crowd controller). So it had worked fine until i accidently noticed that that it had some problem with Ai Move To. I will describe the situation: two bots chasing me, entering with me in little room and when i stun them (i can do it to them with my flashlight for several seconds) and leaving the room, there is possibility that they can never achieve the last location where they seen me and it can happen with one of them or both(bots can chase me when they see me, if they lost me, they move to last location where they seen me and if they still could’not find, prediction ai activating)

As you can see on that picture, bot could not achieve last location is seen me and i don’t understand why. Also i will say that there is no problem with flashlight stunning logic, because i stop bot using Get Max Walk speed that do not changing during that problem. In blueprint it looks like that

As you see, when bot goes to last sight location, it’s just stuck there an never gets success.

I just wanna understand what real problem is, if there is some problem with Crowd controller, please tell me