I’m working on a project with Unreal engine 5 and FMOD and I want to package it, but all I get are these errors:
- LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package F:/Unreal Projects/Bruit/Content/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/6/ZH/BIBAGSRHVVW04GJA24LRSU.uasset has malformed tag
(The same with ,PackagingResults: Error: Package’’ or ,UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package’') - LoadErrors: Error: Unable to load package ‘/Game/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/D/GR/6N686E1B5IIKKCAUU0Z68G’. The end of package tag is not valid. Check that the file is of the expected type and not corrupted.
- LogFMOD: Error: c:\jk\workspace\Build__2.2__Unreal_Win\core_api\platforms\win\src\fmod_output_wasapi.cpp(571) - GetCurrentPadding returned 0x88890004. Device was unplugged!
(This path doesn’t exist. I have no jk-Folder on my hard disk) - LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package F:/Unreal Projects/Bruit/Content/StarterContent/Blueprints/Spline_Großstadt/Straßenbahn/Cube_Großstadt_2.uasset has malformed tag
Can someone explaine what these ,external actors’’ are and why the Computer searches after non existing files? The last error in the list was shown because I deleted the files or renamed them, but the computer storaged the old files nevertheless in the folder on my external hard disk. I deleted them also but the errors are still in the output log. Can I force him to stop searching after deleted files?