Strange packaging errors

I’m working on a project with Unreal engine 5 and FMOD and I want to package it, but all I get are these errors:

  • LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package F:/Unreal Projects/Bruit/Content/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/6/ZH/BIBAGSRHVVW04GJA24LRSU.uasset has malformed tag
    (The same with ,PackagingResults: Error: Package’’ or ,UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package’')
  • LoadErrors: Error: Unable to load package ‘/Game/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/D/GR/6N686E1B5IIKKCAUU0Z68G’. The end of package tag is not valid. Check that the file is of the expected type and not corrupted.
  • LogFMOD: Error: c:\jk\workspace\Build__2.2__Unreal_Win\core_api\platforms\win\src\fmod_output_wasapi.cpp(571) - GetCurrentPadding returned 0x88890004. Device was unplugged!
    (This path doesn’t exist. I have no jk-Folder on my hard disk)
  • LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package F:/Unreal Projects/Bruit/Content/StarterContent/Blueprints/Spline_Großstadt/Straßenbahn/Cube_Großstadt_2.uasset has malformed tag

Can someone explaine what these ,external actors’’ are and why the Computer searches after non existing files? The last error in the list was shown because I deleted the files or renamed them, but the computer storaged the old files nevertheless in the folder on my external hard disk. I deleted them also but the errors are still in the output log. Can I force him to stop searching after deleted files?

Hey there @Tritonus.1! So the external actors folder is part of the “One File Per Actor” system.

Basically if OFPA was enabled, you get a copy of an actor outside of the level it’s attached to to receive changes, so it doesn’t effect the level it’s in. Basically helps with source control and working in teams. When the game cooks they get baked into the level itself.

I’m guessing the file for that actor was destroyed before packaging.

I have no idea about the FMOD error myself.

For the last one, did you delete the Cube asset from your explorer window? If it was deleted in UE it shouldn’t pitch this error.

Hope this helps!