Strange glitch when binding a metahuman to the default control rig in the sequencer

After following on with the basic tutorials, I am stuck on right after importing the metahuman BP into the sequencer. The model will start to glitch with the mesh looking like its double or triple transforming the moment I start moving it or the camera about.

The mesh will flicker back and forth between the control rig and - interestingly - transform itself an offset away, stretching, and will persist through viewport updates or changing of view modes.

This happens whether I use a camera or the viewport.

Things I’ve tried include:

  1. removing and readding the control rig
  2. using the default FK control rig
  3. fresh project and importing the metahuman

I haven’t seen anyone else have a problem similar to this yet, so would appreciate some possible ideas where this could be coming from. Thanks in advance!

You ever figure out a solution?