Strange Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: '' is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path should be no less than 4 characters long.

Hello, I’m getting this error when I try to package a project.

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogPackageName: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: ‘’ is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path should be no less than 4 characters long.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] Failed to generate argument #2 for the ‘*’ function, in the expression: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC0
6A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1AB50EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] Failed to generate argument #2 for the ‘+’ function, in the expression: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC0
6A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1AB50EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] No root node generated from the expression: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC06A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1AB5
0EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] Failed to generate full expression graph for: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC06A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1A
B50EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:

I’ve tried fixing redirectors and regeneraring project files, neither have fixed the issue.

Do you have a file name or path more than 256 characters?

Do not use rare symbols (ASCII only)
Or maybe your disk is broken.

This look like NTFS (windows file system format → hidden directories)…

Do not named two files with the same name inside Unreal editor.
Or maybe the file does not exist. (fix redirectors)

Just ideas… nothing for sure… too dificult to say… i’m sorry

The error appears to be from a MathExpression node:■■■/Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Private/K2Node_MathExpression.cpp#L1829

Double check your blueprints where you use these node. If that doesn’t help try converting the expression to regular math nodes.

Thank you, found this bad Math expression. Deleting it fixed the issue.

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