Hello, I’m getting this error when I try to package a project.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogPackageName: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: ‘’ is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path should be no less than 4 characters long.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] Failed to generate argument #2 for the ‘*’ function, in the expression: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC0
6A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1AB50EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] Failed to generate argument #2 for the ‘+’ function, in the expression: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC0
6A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1AB50EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] No root node generated from the expression: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC06A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1AB5
0EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] (no disk path found): [Compiler] Failed to generate full expression graph for: ’ ({78B4BB49-4A28-06B0-E834-F98278E28EAA} + (PawnBackward * ((clamp((max({C695D964-42EA-8918-DCBB-4085FEF10F22}, {A6B184EB-4EB1-05A2-9225-6EB320A2F988})), {CCCC06A4-47CB-81B0-E38F-66B1B1A
B50EC}, {3BAF303A-425B-5EE9-7771-3783BFE4D7CA})) * {63BB4B5C-4DAA-2C5D-F4F1-BD9142A8CBB7}))) ’ from Source:
I’ve tried fixing redirectors and regeneraring project files, neither have fixed the issue.