just wondering if it’s something other users are experiencing that run UE4 in or is it just Destro or Machine related. I have this strange behavior that when running the editor the tooltip become kind of laggy or distorted (see pictures).
This behavior I can see in the whole editor, blueprints, content, everywhere.
Are we talking about Configure Desktop → Display and Monitor → Compositor → Enable compositor on startup?
Of course, this was my starting point, I’ve tried to disabled it (enabled by default on my machine), change scale method, enable/disable vsync and so on.
Is there any specif compositor config that works fine?
Something strange that I’ve notice just now:
When the behavior happens, I open the “Composer Settings for Desktop Effects” window, change any option, revert the change back so that I can click the apply button. Go back to UE, the tearing doesn’t happen anymore.
I open a blueprint in UE, I have tearing again. I execute the same procedure like in the first steps, the tearing is gone.
I close and open the same blueprint in UE, I have tearing again.
Also, while UE is open, I have tearing on windows not related to UE too. As soon as UE is closed the tearing is gone from other windows.
The Ubuntu 16.04 defaults with the latest nvidia drivers works for me. I have also grabbed the latest master branch and made a few edits to allow compiling with clang 3.8 in my fork on /cpyarger/unrealengine on github
Ok, it looks like this issue is KDE related, to be precise, KDE Bug 361154 (see 361154 – Running native OpenGL games - with compositing enabled - breaks X11 Plasma 5.6.0 Window Decorations). It looks like OpenGL games and, like in this case, Apps disable compositor when they start, that’s why the issue is gone when I change something in the compositor config and save it, this apparently enables the compositor again but as soon as I open a new window in UE4 the issue is there again.
A workaround that I found in the bug and works for me:
"Run “kcmshell5 kwinrules” and create a blind rule (just don’t press the detect button),name it whatever you want, then go to the last tab Appearance and Fixes → “Block Compositing” → Force → “No”
This will prevent opengl games or apps to turn off the compositor so the compositor will always stay on and you will not experience these kind of problems anymore."
A possibly easier way to prevent the automatic switch-off of compositing is disabling the “Allow applications to block compositing” option in the KDE compositor settings.
As noob (Ubuntu 22.04) with AMD graphic. How can it be done on ubuntu ?
I am having same issue, but it freezes permanently (and i need to restart application).
And more rarely it instead restarts whole GUI to the login screen of Ubuntu (Seems to happen when tool-tip pop-up, at the same time, when i try to pin window to side of a screen).