I made a tank running on a landscape and it has weird collision with the ground(landscape).
So I made a test and found out it was the edge of each component grid in the landscape is doing it.
First I made a landscape with 3x3 component.
After creating the landscape without building lights. You should see the shadow on the edge of the 9(3x3) components.
I didn’t do any sculpt on the landscape yet, it is still totally flat.
Then if I drive my tank over the edge of component. I will get random collision.
Like this video I recorded. [Random collision on the edge of landscape's component - YouTube][3]
I think this is the same problem as this topic: Collision of a sliding object on Landscape is poor - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums
The question for me is that if I still want to use the landscape for ground.
I only use 1 component grid for landscape, will I get some limitation later on my games?